rock climbing is inherently dangerous in all of its forms. even with substantial experience, climbing can result in severe injury, paralysis, and even death. castlewood canyon involves even greater danger than other rock climbing areas as it is riddled with rattlesnakes in the warm months and its conglomerate rock can shatter, break, crumble, and explode at any time, without warning, on even well-traveled climbs.

this guide is intended for mere reference by experienced climbers only, who have substantial personal knowledge in climbing safety, equipment, and technique, and who understand and fully accept the extreme risks inherent in this sport. in no way should this reference be confused as an instruction manual and those who do not have substantial experience with all of the safety and technical aspects of rock climbing should seek professional instruction, which can often be arranged through local climbing gyms. be safe!

Monday, February 11, 2008

FONT AREA - Overview

This is a popular area for top roping and bouldering due to its short approach and established trails ( which help avoid summer poison ivy and rattlesnakes), flat landings, and relative density of well-traveled lines. Enter Castlewood Canyon State Park at its north/western entrance, drive past the pay station for about [0.2?] mile and park at the first lot on the right, which holds about 5 vehicles [if full, there is an additional lot across the street].

From the first-described parking lot, walk up the established trail to the cliff line and cut right/north. Follow a climber’s trail along the base of the cliff for about 100 yards and pass through a corridor.

- The cliff section to your left is the Grocery Store Wall
- Super Mario and the Bloodsport Cave are straight ahead another 50 yards
- The Stagecoach Boulder’s main face is towards you, just downhill and right of the corridor,
- The Fountain Boulder is immediately downhill from the Stagecoach Boulder,
- The South Block is around the corner from the Fountain Boulder about 20 yards
- The Distance Boulder is downhill and left northeast? of the Fountain Boulder about 50 yards


Anonymous said...

its the first lot on your RIGHT....from the rest of ur directions its obvious u meant this parking lot...the climbers trail goes right up from this lot..first one on the right....first on the left is almost right across from the pay station....u know this tho just pointin it out

sock hands said...

aggh! i'm stupid and just made the correction. thanks for pointing it out!